Sunday 26 August 2012

Peru, Quelccaya Ice-Cap

Peru, my favourite country to travel, is a jewel with authentic Quecha culture. I love Peru for its landscape and historical culture embedded in the people daily life. The appreciation of their own culture, the Pachamama, over the colonialism shows that the Quecha is every bit of their genuine personality.

In the context of 100 Places To Remember Before They Disappear, the Quelccaya Ice-Cap is in the edge of a full melt-down. Quelccaya Ice-Cap is the largest equatorial ice field, consists of 44KM wide.  Majority of the Peruvian depends on this ice-cap for their water resources - agriculture, hydor-power and consumption.

The Quelccaya Ice-Cap has reduced 20% in size since the 70s', it can no longer assume to be a permanent water resources solution.  It is estimated that the ice cap will fully disappear in 30-50 years in time with the present rate of global warming.
Video Clip from 100 Places To Remember Before They Disappear on
Quelccaya Ice-Cap in Peru

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