Monday 28 March 2011

Norwegian Wood

It is such a sad story, such a sad reading.  It gives despair, and no hope at the end, a total emptiness!

It is surreal, and so helpless for those characters who committed suicide, like living in a box with only darkness and can never get out.  The only way to release themselves, is to kill themselves.

It is so hopeless, and despair for those who live on with loneliness.  Especially, being able to see the so called sane, walking around and living a life like zombie. It transcends the lack of human connection in broad working society.  When people is walking around living like a dummy, the human value disappears.

It seems no one can find the joy of hope, and the only way to release the despair and frustration is through their sexuality experience.  Yet, they still trapped, because their society is not very open about sex and they have breed and groom in such a society.

I have to say Haruki's writing is beautiful, simple to read, smooth in flow.  But Haruki's writing is sad.  It portrays the reality of that society so vivid and real that I feel like I am the character Watanabe sometimes, Naoko sometimes, Midori sometimes while I am reading it.

It is also mind bugling that I have to stop multiple times in between just to pull myself back to my reality.

I want to read more of Haruki's books, but for now, I think I need to stop for a while.  It is a mood, too much and too long of such mood will change the way we react to our daily life.

I have read many books, I have read many sad stories.  I think sad story is very effective way of telling a context, but I prefer not to get myself into a story that has no hope at the end. That is not the way we want our life.  My life has been full of struggles, many frustrating moments, many sad and despair moments, BUT never once that I don't find hope eventually.  I guess I am a positive pessimist.  I found for all the situations I have to face, life never let me into a tunnel which has no way out.  I prefer it that way and I think it is better to keep hope and hoping. It gives determination to in search of a better life.

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